As usual evolutionists are oblivious to any problem with their theory. According to evolutionists their theory is a fact and there is no contradictory data. There may be data they do not yet fully understand, but there are no problems. I have spoken with biology professors who literally claim that every piece of evidence in biology supports the conclusion that evolution is a fact. One claimed that DNA sequences in particular provide absolute and irrefutable evidence proving the fact of evolution.
Their claims are so far removed from reality it is difficult to believe this isn't a big spoof. But it isn't, and the hundreds of HARs don't help. Evolutionists must imagine that their magical process accelerates change in just the right places to create a human. It's worth repeating this explanation given by an evolutionist:
The way to evolve a human from a chimp-human ancestor is not to speed the ticking of the molecular clock as a whole. Rather the secret is to have rapid change occur in sites where those changes make an important difference in an organism’s functioning. HAR1 is certainly such a place. So, too, is the FOXP2 gene, which contains another of the fast-changing sequences I identified and is known to be involved in speech.
Somebody wake me up--I must be in an alternate world!